So we were sitting around the Boone house last weekend, totally bored because there was no snow or any precipitation to speak of, so we decided to go visit our good friends down the street at Sessions and pick up our team outerwear for the season. The fact that we had partied all night after awaiting riders Scott and Jamie's arrival from Reno didn't make waking up very inviting..
oh sweet slumber...
Once we arrived at the Sessions factory, the warehouse manager, Bud, gave us a tour of their establishment, as well as much of the new product in the works for next season. The stuff for 2010 was so amazing, that we could not believe our eyes, and we just HAD to snap some photos... Unfortunately the room had an incredible amount of glare from the morning sun, so the pictures didnt turn out so well. Sorry fellas...
It looks like they've got some dudes who had too much fun the night before as well. Check out the reception staff - notice the guy on floor in front of the desk too. Boone's sales rep, Sean Crosby didn't even notice them until he almost stepped on one. He about shat his pants. Mr. Boone proceeded to admire the new 2009 product...
Crosby, nearly waking up the reception from its everlasting sleep...
Boone curiously checks out some of this years sick product from Sessions...
Everything was going well until Bud from Sessions started hitting up for a sponsorship, like everyone else. We told him the team was already set up for the year. He didn't take it so well - as you can see from the picture below...
There's always next year big guy...
Finally, the warehouse staff had finished sorting out the gear, and we headed back to wake up the rest of the clan. After a breakfast that included enough eggs to bake a cake the size of a car, we washed up, and got ready to take some pictures. Team Riders Jamie Melton and Scott Pollman threw on some Boone T-shirts for the occasion, and headed off through some APPAULING traffic to our favourite store; D-Structure San Francisco for the pics. Check them out at The place is seriously amazing.
Jamie Melton thinks real hard about how to perform the "blue steel" look behind the camera... focus...
So after a few hours of taking what seemed to be a billion pictures, we were sweating from our outerwear and were in desperate need of a good washdown in the shower. We headed back home for some food, and to wait for snow to fall like everyone else... Cant wait for the season to start, guys!
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