Snowskates and snowboards were invented around the same time, but snowskating has a smaller and wackier market.
Because snowskaters love building their own ultra-specific mutant boards.
Thus, snowskates come in a variety of sizes and shapes:
On your snowskate, the length and shape depend on snow conditions, style, and preference.
The other components of the snowskate are either Stock or After-Market
Stock Components
-Foam Grip
After Market Components
-Spike Grip
-Foot Stops
-Grab Rails
Snowskate Shoes
Snowskate shoes are flat-bottomed shoes you would wear if you were out skateboarding in the cold.
Depending on conditions, the shoes range from a skate slipper, to a hiking boot, to a snowboard boot.
The type of board you ride all depends on your special style.
People build all different kinds of snowskates for all different kinds of snowskating.
There are many possibilities when you mash up skateboarding, snowboarding, and pow surfing!
Here are a whole bunch of examples:
All Mountain Jib Snowskating
Backyard Snowskating
Banked Slalom Racing Snowskating
Cat Track Snowskating
Ditch Snowskating
Downhill Snowskating
Kite Snowskating
Log Snowskating
Mogul Snowskating
Park Snowskating
Powder Snowskating
Single Decking
Urban Snowskating
If you do take your snowskate to a resort, make sure to ride off the lift.
1. On the approach, hold the snowskate tips up in front of you with your back foot planted on the kick.
2. When you reach the offload, set the snowskate down and plant your front foot as you stand up from the chair.
Snowskating is totally a good time!
It makes any day on the hill shreddy and awesome.
The attention is cool, but what’s also cool is being nice to curious people and spreading awareness so we can ride more places in the future.
So next time you see a snowskate, give them a thumbs up and a smile!