We caught up with Sarah Burke who's coaching at SMS ski camp this summer for talk about her season, and other random interests.Who'd you flim with this season?How was Progression Ski Camp?What's your favourite breed of dog?Click here to see the interviewText VersionBy Harvey and cko
What were the highlites of your season?
The highlight of my season was winning global x because it was the first year they had women in x-games so it really meant a lot. It was something I really focused on.
Who did you film with?
I was filming with MSP and Plehouse. I didn't get exactly everything that I wanted to get done because I was hurt most of the time and competitions this year were my main focus so I didn't get the segments that I wanted to, but I'll be in MSP and Plehouse.
What is your favourite part of skiing?
I don't think that I could pick one thing. I love the feeling of it, and learning new stuff, and landing tricks I've been working on, but I also love the people and everything..
What was it like coaching at an all girls ski camp?
It was crazy; I've never seen anything like it. We were about 35 girls total, and just cruising through the park with that many girls is something I've never seen even in snowboarding, so it was a really good atmosphere.
Do you like David Levin as more than just a friend?
Yes... no no no we're just good buddys.
Is the popularity of crayons deteriorating?
Definitely. You don't see them as much. Maybe it's just becaseu I'm getting older and I don't play with them anymore, and neither do my friends.
Is African art hot right now?
So hot right now, so hot.
Have you ever been asked to prom by a Newschoolers.com member you had never met?
-pause-, -laugh-, ... yes.
Favourite flower:
PC or MAC:
Favourite Dog:
Husky family
Favourite skiing website:
Newschoolers.com definitely.. all the way.