The North Face Polish Freeskiing Open has been attracting photographers and filmmakers for many years. However, 2014 is the year when their number on the Harenda slope can break the record. All because of new project that will allow each fan to create event’s history.

When you type „Polish Freeskiing Open” in the browser you will see thousands of movies and photos taken during one of the ten past events. The most interesting moments of The North Face Polish Freeskiing Open had been documented by reporters, movie crews, spectators, and competitors.

Yet there is one photographer, who has photos from all ten editions. It is Tomek Gola. His works were published in titles such as National Geographic, Foto as well as many national and international ski magazines. With his camera, he traveled to many interesting places all over the globe, and took part in some incredible projects. It is his work you can see on website.

This year, during The North Face Polish Freeskiing Open, Tomek will use his experience and knowledge to create an unique project – InstaPFO, first interactive live report from PFO.

As he explains, in the project’s heart will be profile - „Instagraphy - as I can not call it photography - is a medium itself. I have already tried this type of reportage during one of my expeditions and I believe insta-report from PFO is a great way to use this medium. I have been documenting PFO for 10 years now and I definitely needed a change. This priceless change will be an instant interaction with the viewer who can be on the other side of the world”.

Report, created with cooperation with Red Bull MOBILE - official partner of the event, will also be connected with other popular social media: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Thanks to that, users will be able not only to follow the event, but also to take part in its creation.

Everyone who will show up on Harenda slope in Zakopane with camera or smartphone, and will publish photos or short movies on Facebook using „#TNFPFO” hashtag, will help to create an interactive report. For authors of the best photo and the best Vine - style movie will be waiting special prizes from the sponsors: The North Face, GoPro, Rexona and Armada Skis.

Apart from that, few days after the event, Tomek Gola will prepare his special insta-report from selected and unpublished photos.

11 years The North Face Polish Freeskiing Open is not only a history of people, but also dynamic progress of new discipline that will debut during this year’s Winter Olympic Games. Thanks to InstaPFO project each of us will be able to create a part of its history.

For more information about the event visit and