im sitting at work right now, and i dont actually ever have to work. my mom teaches at a private boarding school in mass where i go to school, so we live in a house thats on the school campus. and so because im on campus, my job is just to be in the admissions office and i take kids who are looking to come to the school on a tour of the campus. well its summer so not many kids ever come here, so the most of the time i sit around on the computer or do small jobs in the office that usually take less than 20 minutes.
so sitting here can get really boring. i spend a lot of the time on, and just this morning, i am proud to say that i have gotten an 18 in mini putt( 8 times in a row. i dont have pics of them because im on a pc, which i dont use normally, and i dont know how to do a screen caputre. but i do have a pic that was on my photo bucket of another time i did it at home just to prove to you that i ve done it befre. but yeah im pretty proud of myself.

im gonna go back and play the moto cross game