01:30 Prerequisites
01:53 Step 4: Double cork off a water ramp
06:45 Step 5: How you can prepare yourself on snow
08:10 Step 6: Commit and send it! (Double corks on snow)
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How to double cork in text and pictures:

Make sure you know nice double corks into foam pit if not go to part 1 and learn it.

Make sure you know how to do nice double corks on trampoline if not go to part 1 and learn it.

You also need to be able to do excellent and small cork 5s and 7s on snow.

In step 4 we go through what to think about when doing double corks on a water ramp.

Step 5 we look into how you can prepare yourself in before you do your first attempts of double corks.

Step 6 Commit and send it is pretty straight forward and if you have done your homework it should be ok.

Warm up doing some cork 5´s and 7´s so you get a feel for the water ramp cause it is different to jumping on snow.

To be less nervous to send the double corks I think it´s a good idea to warm up with double flips your are comfortable with like a double backflip or kangaroo etc.

After warming up do a cork 5 or 7 with a bit to much rotation and slow it down by extending your legs. Estimate when you are corking out on top of the rotation, if you would be tucked would you have a fast enough spin and cork to do a second cork.

I spot the landing as early as I can when I am estimating the second cork. Maybe it takes several attempts of estimating the corks before you feel brave enough to send it do as many as it takes for you to feel comfortable with the idea of doing the second cork.

On my first attempt here I was spinning a bit to slow and was not tucked enough witch led to a less than ideal landing.

On the first attempt I clearly did not have an accurate estimate on how fast and how hard I would have to cork it in order to do a double cork 12 in this case. Luckily I did this on water and that is why we should learn it on water first because we can not afford landing on the back like this of a sweet 20m park jump.

Be very patience when practising on the water ramp because it is very hard trick to do on a water ramp. It took me several sketchy and unpleasant landings before making it with ok landings that would have worked on snow.

If you are not used to spinning fast of a water ramp it is likely that you will end up with your skis to wide apart. This can result in the skis slipping away even further witch can harm your knees and actually make you spin slower witch is counter productive since the reason they have the skis a bit wide when spinning fast is get a really fast rotation.

Keep the legs at about this wide stance witch was enough for me to spin 1260s of this not so big water jump.

Don´t get me wrong it´s fine to have a wide stance when throwing down fast spins on snow since most of the time you have enough edge grip on the take off that the skis don´t slip away.

Missing the grab is quite common on water ramps. This often happens because like myself I wasn't´t prepared for the serious G-forces that come in to play when doing double corks.

To get the grab make sure to really pull in your legs using you abs and if you don´t get the grab just pull them legs in as hard as you can and maybe you will still land on your feet.

Despite how god the tuck and mute grab felt here I did not work. I remember how it felt to be laying horizontal thinking to my self oh shit this is going to hurt again.

To be sure to get the grab use your legs and abs to pull your legs in pretty much as hard as you can.

Reach down with you arm at the same time as you are pulling your legs in.

Try to get the grab at about 360 but I almost get it at 540 which S think is a bit to late and will make you rather double cork 1260 instead of 1080.

I like to pull in the legs using the grabbing arm, abs and legs a little bit extra as I go into the second cork. This may help you cork in and out of it a little faster.

I brought my friend and filmer Mark with me to also teach him how to double cork and surprise surprise he whopped my ass landing both dub 12 and 10.

Mark´s first attempt was really morky and used a bit of double cork 720 technique some how with out the carving take off.

Already on the second attempt with the simple feed back chill avoid morking and spin faster he almost got the dub 10 down. If he stayed tucked I think he may have uncorked it enough to land on his skis.

Here is Mark´s 2nd attempt and he has decent T set and a drop shoulder making him cork both quite hard and fast.

Mark manages to get the grab already at 180. Grabbing early helps him cork in and out of the first cork really fast.

Thanks to the rather nice T set and early grab he uncorked the first cork at a perfect 540° which is sick.

If we look at my "awful" set here it quite morky still. Tipping the body and cork in the direction of the red arrow. This makes me require more rotation per cork making me a dub 12 kind of guy.

I do not manage to get the grab before 450-540 which also makes the cork cork out slower.

First cork is for me completely finished by 720 and dips into a hard cork 540 after that.

Here in the shadow you can see how I am morking and cheating by setting of the spin a little bit to early. Go back to trampoline if you have this problem.

Step 5: How you can prepare your self on snow without having to just commit and sending it.

Go to a small jump and practise you fast cork 5´s or 7´s.

Spot the landing as early as you can and estimate if you had at least twice the size of the jump would you have enough hang time to cork and uncork the second cork?

After doing many small corks in small jumps trying to estimate how fast I would have to spin and how hard I would have to cork on the big jump I went and did some to fast and a bit over corked cork 7´s trying to estimate how fast and hard I would have to set it to do a double cork.
Be careful over corking the 7´s like this if you do it onto your back is gonna be so shit so be careful here this may be the sketchiest part of how I learned it but I found it to be necessary to work the details out in my head!

Ideally you want the second cork to dip straight back or straight back and slightly towards the camera. My dips a bit away from the camera due to the morky set and it´s not ideal but works ok for 1260.

After estimating how fast and hard you have to spin and cork imagine your self doing it. I was standing still and riding the lift practising the set by twisting the body.

Before sending it I closed my eyes and really went through what I thought it was going to feel like to do the double cork. Once I thought I knew how to do it my fear went away and got replaced by a focus that can only be achieved by attempting something on the edge of my comfort zone.

On my first attempt I manage to just about land the double cork 1260 with a safety grab. It was not a beauty but the stoke was as high as I can get. Just landed a trick I been wanting to do since the first time I saw it by Mike Wilson over that half pipe.

After landed the first one my friend and coach Erik Lundmark told med to get the mute and I would be better.

Went for the mute grab on the second attempt and missed it but likely managed to stay tucked enough to almost land it.

3rd attempt a got a pretty good mute on the dub 12 and it felt awesome all the way until the landing.

Went a bit deep down the landing and landed nose heave resulted in the following face plant.

Luckily it was spring and the landing could not be any better than this, soft and smooth!

After the face plant I finally got the mute and landing pretty well to the lever of stoke was sky high!

Despite landing a decent double cork 12 I never really got the nicer T set that both Erik and Mark can do resulting in both corks dipping backwards and away from the camera and if you also have this problem. Go back to practice more single corks on tramp and skis until it comes natural to you.

Finished at seven 720 and starting to cork backwards and away from the camera like the following picture shows.

Dipping away from the camera. Resulting in 12 with a dip that would go towards the camera a cork 720 to 360 would be possible in order to make it in to a 1080 but not with this technique.

Erik here looks a little morky but got enough awesome set to set of a beautiful cork that dips straight back and away from the camera.

Look at that! Sweet corking motion and he has also almost gotten the mute at 180 and uncorks the first cork really fast.

Erik is nicely uncorked between 540-630 with this wicked mute.

Second cork also dips back and even slightly away from the camera allowing Erik to do a fast uncork.

When doing dub 10´s it seem to be even more important to stay patiently tucked than on 1260´s. Erik thinks he does dub 1260 when he don´t get a nice tweak on the mute grab and when he gets a sweet tweaked out mute he does dub 10`s
There was a time double corks was next level tricks even if quads are todays next level trick dub corks still carries next level risk with it so take your learning seriously and practise practise practise!
Stomp It,