News has just come to us that Henrik Harlaut just went down very hard in X-Games slopestyle at aspen.
He sent a nosebutter triple 16 as fast as possible off the second jump, the only guy to this point to try tripling that jump, but came up short, caught his leading edge and took a heavy slam to his shoulder/head. He was seemingly un-conscious for some time but was awake and smiling when he was stretchered in to the ambulance.
We are rapidly searching for more details, and will update this article as soon as we learn more.
Liam Downey posted to Facebook: "In the ambulance with Dollo. He's doing great. Fully coherent. 1 love."
So Henrik is in good condition, though still will have to get checked at the hospital to determine if there's any further injury.
From Jason Arens: Henrik has suffered a concussion and broken his collarbone in 3 places.
From Henrik Himself off of this Instagram post:
Image included:

"Took the scariest hit yet today. Thank you everyone for all the lovely vibes and support! Be back soon!"
-Henrik Harlaut