We all know the impending doom that we face as humans as our planet slowly heats up. Many blame large industries for dumping untold amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, but recently the U.S. government has put the blame on skiers. They claim that the world has seen a spike in global temperature with the arrival of X Game's latest video contest, Real Ski. They believe that the shear amount of heaters dropped by the athletes participating in the contest have led to a spike in global temperature.

Statistics show some athletes are more at fault than others. For example, experts have calculated that Will Wesson is responsible for 43% of the temperature increase. His "switch to under slide" trick alone is responsible for 22% of the recent incline in global temperature. With this sudden exposure researchers have seen that skiing has been causing global warming all along. President Obama himself has already commented on this crisis,

"This is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with. We ask that all citizens of America put down their skis and think about the bigger picture, our planet is dying. The last thing this planet needs is another fire lip on blind 2."

As Obama mentioned the last thing we need is another fire lip on blind 2. An athlete known for his fire lip on blind 2 is none other than Tall T Dan. Here is what he has to say on this matter,

"I fully understand the effect of the #onlytrick and its contribution to global warming. In an effort to offset my personal contributions to this heat I've been sure to always wear an icy white t. Typically 5xl."

With all of these despair there is still a bit of hope in this situation. We can stop global warming with one urban on front 2 at a time.