Big Air contests are dizzying affairs these days and X Games more so. Aspen was host to a back-and-forth, shootout for gold in the men's contest after the ladies lit up the stage with an epic display. Here's what went down under the lights. It was good see some familiar big air threats such as Antoine Adelisse, Alex Hall, Birk Ruud and Mac Forehand alongside creative and stylish riders like Edjoy, Matej and Teal, X Games rookie Troy Podmilsak joined the pack.
Teal Harle set dominance early landing run after run and taking an early lead. His a triple 18 bring back to 16 which he laced, earned 47 giving him 91 and a position in 1st to defend early on. His switch 19 bring-back to 18 earned him the highest single run score of the night, 49. 96 was his total score after these mind-benders. Troy Podmilsak threw a right triple 18 mute, which was lovely and a super flippy last cork, worthy of 39, he had issues keeping his hands off the snow on his right dub 1980, not fully getting out of the final cork. His witch dub bio 1980 was his best, worth 42. Antoine Adelisse missed mute on the triple 14 early, looked like he had to time to go quad and was going to try. On try 3 he sent for quad and went down really hard on his side and well, bounced. This one looked really bad but he stood up and skied away and finished the event. A signature Antoine switch triple 14 pre-nose, after deciding the quad wasn't it, earned 42. A lack of another big score kept him out of contention.
Edouard Therriault, one of the most stylish in the field, had a really unique axis on a left triple 16, going 3 to 7 to 5, worth 43. His first attempt at a switch dub bio 18, which had a signature landing, earned 38. He then took it to triple 19, for 45. he tried a quad 14, 3 cork 3 to 5 twice but couldn't improve is 38 to get onto the podium from 4th. Matej Svancer continued to show his mastery with a left nosebutter 19 Japan being awarded 43, run 2 showed his intention to land a switch quad but he went down on it. His second attempt at the quad 19, was more of a dub with some added wobble, was scored appropriately at 38. On his final run the switch 'quad' 18 safety was way more proper earning 46 but remaining on the outside. Mac Forehand threw switch left triple 16 as a "warm-up" for his switch triple 18, worth 41 and 47 respectively. His dub 1980 Cuban earned 43 for a total of 90 and a 2nd combo of runs. Threw a world-first forward dub 2160, landing it at the second time of asking on the last run. He scored 50, a second perfect score for Ski Big Air in the X Games. This combined score was worth 97 to take first from Teal. Birk Ruud sent left dub bio 19, bolts for 44, switch triple 19 mute, locked in for 46. To be just behind Mac due to a lower highest single run score. At the last offering he sent a switch triple 21 to back up Mac, 48 was merely enough for third. Alex Hall approached things with creativity landing a cork 180 for 36 and switch dub 14 to knuckle switch butter 3 worth 42.
The podium sat with Mac in first, Teal in second and Birk in third.
Mac Forehand
Teal Harle
Birk Ruud