Wildcat Mountain - Meow with even more wind!
With Mass vacation week in full swing, my industry reciprocity was blacked out everywhere. Lucky for me some friends and I had tickets to Wildcat from the Warren Miller charity event earlier in the season. We headed up bright and early on Presidents day.
Spending Presidents day at the Presidential Mountains
The day was a bright and sunny one, we geared up and jumped on the chair. The higher we went, the windier it became. Wind was by far the story of the day, at some points it had to be hitting near 30 - 40 mph gusts. Luckily it was not super cold, an extra face-mask was all that was really needed. I have heard rumors that Wildcat had some major issues with their snowmaking system earlier this season, and how thin the cover on many of their trails definitely supports what I have heard. There was a fair amount of rocks to dodge on the advanced and expert trails, but it was manageable, It was a fairly nice day just cruising around. I spent most of the day cruising the mountain with my friends as opposed to spending much time in the park.
Only you can prevent forest fires
Speaking of the park, Wildcats park is pretty lacking. They had, at the time of my visit, a flat box, a down pipe and two jumps. The ONLY reason I am not ripping them apart for it like I did to Cannon, is because they are completely open to the fact that their park is tiny. They even tell you on the parks page on their website, that if you are looking for a bigger park to go over to Attitash where they have 3 large parks, and they refer you to their website. On top of all that your Wildcat ticket is good at Attitash, so if you showed up looking for park, you can jump in the car and drive 15 minutes down the road. Thats the kind of straight up honesty I can get behind. Here are the pictures from Wildcats park.
So thats about it for my coverage of Wildcat. Its a decent little mountain, good for those looking for general intermediate skiing with one hell of a view. Wildcat sits adjacent to the Presidential range, and you can see both Tuckerman and Huntington ravine from the base lodge, as well as the peak of Mt. Washington. As far as terrain goes, it doesn't have anything spectacularly hard, nor too many glades, but offers many trails for those still honing their skills, or those looking for a fairly relaxing ride.

This might just be the shortest GTNS post yet! Again, sorry for the lack of updates lately, next week we should be back into full swing, knocking off the last 10 mountains on my list. Keep an eye out for them, and possibly some non-GTNS related articles that I have been working on. I am unsure of which mountain I will be hitting next, I will post in the comments closer to next Wed when I know! Thanks for reading!
Keep on shredding NS!
