Words & Photos: ckoVideo:  Cory VanderPloeg / http://www.clutchfilms.tkAfter an 8+ hour drive from Montreal, Mr.Bishop and I made it to Blue Mountain's annual Frozen Rail Jam right on time (minus qualifying and such).  The setup consisted of three features; the long goal-post style rail from last year's Triple Challenge, the pink flat box, and the Expo rail - a huge rainbow with equal opportunity for glory or disaster.The half-hour skier jam went by really quickly but all the skiers seemed game for the challenge of hiking the features at mach-stupid in order to get the most runs in possible.  I could describe the various tricks that were thrown but that would take a long time so just check out Cory VanderPloeg's video below for all the highlights.  Results:1.  Tom Dolozel2.  Mark Radford3.  Max HillCheck the VIDEO