The show kicked of with James “Woodsy” Woods introducing, 4bi9′s: Gunnie Season followed by PBP’s: Revolver. After the break we had, Legs of Steels: The Pilot. Level 1 Productions: Eye Trip finished off nicely with the UK’s Unity Production: The Daily Grind. Alongside the films there were numerous prize draws and freebies being thrown to the crowd get everyone amped up for the weekend ahead. As well as an auction to raise money for charities: Invisible Children and MAG.
Friday saw the Best of British Competition with all the British riders going head to head to win four spots in the International Ski Big Air Finals on Sunday. Faction rider, Andy Matthew, qualified in third place before the knock out round, where unfortunately he knocked himself out. The top riders to go through were: Paddy Graham, Joseph Tomlinson, James Woods and Andy Bennett.
Andy Matthew on the kicker at Freeze - apologies for the terrible home photo.Following this we enjoyed a few beers in the Elks Head bar before hitting the dance tent, for The Nextmen, Krafty Kuts and Roni Size. Then we headed to the Afterparty at The Lost Angel in Vauxhall, just to make sure we all felt suitably rough the next day.
The NextmenSaturday was the Snowboarders International Big Air, competing for FIS points. The top three placed as follows: Marko Grile, Stale Sandbech and Seppe Smits.
Sunday was the International Big Air Finals, which was a ridiculously high standard, as always. Faction rider, Andy Matthew got a last minute invite as a couple of riders had dropped out and as third in qualifying they decided he should rightfully take a place. Joining fellow International team rider, PC Fosse they hit the kicker for Round One with 31 other riders. With only the top 16 going through to a knockout round. Andy didn’t get through, however he did try his first double on snow, and stomped it. PC went through with the other 15 to the finals.
PC at the bottom of the run.PC was up against PK, but went bigger than expected and opened up early, just losing it on the landing. Finals came out looking like this: Jacob Wester on top, Jon Olsson close behind and Henrik Harlaut in 3rd. Russ Henshaw just missing out in fourth. A great event again, with more tunes on the Sunday night from the likes of ShyFX and a DJ set from Pendulum. Good times in London.