On Thursday, March 16th, the world's best big mountain skiers and snowboarders gathered in Haines, Alaska to prepare for the fourth stop of the Freeride World Tour. Due to unpredictable weather and variable snow conditions, the contest was delayed for nine days, which meant athletes were forced to get creative in keeping themselves occupied. Here's a recap of what went down!


Thursday was arrival day, which meant taking the 5 hour ferry from Juneau to Haines. In Juneau, I met up with riders Drew Tabke and Sammy Luebke where we checked out some glaciers.

We met up with other riders and more FWT staff on the ferry, which consisted mostly of hacky sack and napping for me.


Friday morning, I got the opportunity to present to kids at Haines High School about the FWT and what exactly we were doing invading their town for the week. Afterwards, I got back to the motel just in time for training for X-Games Alaska 2017.


DAY 3-5

The next few days were spent recovering from hangovers and doing various activities around the town of Haines.



Tuesday was slated to be the contest day, but after heli-ing everyone up to the venue, guides reported an unstable layer in the venue's snowpack. Everyone had to get heli-ed back down after ~3 hours of waiting on the viewing ridge.

The Venue

DAY 7-8

A small system moved in and delayed the competition for two more days, which meant killing more time hanging with the locals.


Finally we got the go ahead! Decent weather and semi-stable snow meant the contest was on. The official write ups can be found here;




and one more from yours truly ;)
