New Zealand so far + NZ freeski open 2011
NZ trip so far is awesome. I have learnt some new tricks and worked on my style. I have also a few days skiing with Markus Föhr, but he had to leave after Nz Wintergames. PC Fosse and I are shredding a lot together and having fun. We also went fishing and grilling together. That was awesome.
A day for me here in New Zealand looks like this:
Drive with the car from Wanaka at 9:00 am ? skiing in NZ Snowpark till 4 :00pm.- drive down to Wanaka where I live and do some activities ( skate, tramp, golf, fish ,train, meet friends ) after skiing- chill out and cook something for dinner- sleep and getting ready fort the next day !!!!
Always so exited to go ski with the boys and have a lot of fun and I am also trying to push the limits while I am here.
We also had a Faction Team Sunset shooting with all the riders and photographer Camilla Stoddart, while we were out here in NZ. I think that was the best Photoshooting I have ever had!!! So thaks alot to all who organised that and shredded there.
NZ freeski open went pretty well for me. I had qualification today, it was sunny, but there was a lot of headwind and as you know hitting jumps with headwind is not so cool. I also had problems with the speed because it I am so light, but it went good in the comp. Everyone has the same conditions.
I tried to do my best and made it to semis. In the semifinals I tried to hold my grabs longer and to do some steeze landings.
I think it worked out. I missed finals because of 2 positions.
12 came into the finals and I ended up 14. I was so stoked about that .
I will train some Pipe tomorrow and watch the Slopestyle Finals.
I think I am ready to kill the Pipe on Saturday.
I will keep you updated and as you can see I am having a lot of fun out here and try to kill it on the slopes.