High North camp will be missed up here, but there's no denying that the chance to use some of that terrain was pretty exciting for us. I know that lots of you are curious about what we plan on doing with it, so here is a little sneak peek. This session's campers are fortunate to be in the testing pool for some of the biggest features we've ever had.Let's just say that when you put TJ Schiller in a snowcat with a good driver and turn them loose, the results are BIG. The step-up at the bottom of the lane is massive, and it's no exaggeration that we had to start from the top of the lane and go straight to get over the thing, but boy is it FUN! Here's a shot of the step-up in all it's glory.And here's a lucky camper getting his groove on...You think that's far? Well look at the "speed machine" booter that TJ built above it, we have no idea how far this is, but it's designed to carry all of your speed from the top of the lane so that you have enough to make it over the step-up at the bottom. We haven't hit this one yet (we were just tucking beside it the first day), but I'd imagine we're going to get a sense of what World Cup Downhillers feel on those super long-ass airs they take on the courses, of course in our case we'll add some tricks to the equation....Meanwhile, back on the main lanes, the dose of sunshine made for a sweet session on the big booter beside the t-bar, people were going off all day long.Tyler Gigg from Salomon has really out-done himself this year with the tent at the bottom of the lanes, complete with barbeque, flat-screen TV, and of course, a disco ball. Also, DJ Dakota will be up spinning for the majority of the summer in the new Skullcandy DJ station.New for this year, Mike Riddle is having a "Riddle of the Day" competition every morning at stretch, where the first camper to get the riddle wins a sweet new SMS bandana, so sharpen your brains everyone.And this is really random, but it cracked me up watching this dog eat the handlebar grips on this bike at the bottom of the chairlift. I'm just picturing a conversation going something like this: "Mom, I need new bike grips!" "Why?" "Because a dog ate mine!" "Stop telling outrageous stories!"Anyways, hope everyone is having fun, and hope to see lots of you soon.....
First Hits on the New Lane!
by Trennon