Oh the irony. I get a featured spot for my blog, and I stop updating - real cool Milos.
It's probably because nothing cool's been happening to me lately...or at least nothing great. But now that ski season is moving into sight, I feel like its time to write some more.
It's fall. I love fall. The way the leaves crackle under your feet, and the way you can smell the cold come into your nose when you breath in on a fresh crisp morning. The oranges and reds and yellows that you see everywhere are like a fire to your eyes, setting the scenery ablaze with color. Its quite photogenic; I would have pictures if I had a camera. Instead, however, my friends and I do something better - we hit ghetto urban. Here's a few vids of our recent/semi recent ventures.
First is one we did a while back, at UConn, Connecticuts major state college. Two days and two rails are in this edit. But first some pictures, courtesy of Lauren Cunningham.
(My best friend and I...true love)
And here's the edit, filmed and edited by Zack Matthews:
We also did a rail in a neighboring town, Manchester, CT. It came right down from the sidewalk and dropped into a park where homeless people slept every night. My friends Jake and Chris were there to ski, and Zack again to film. We dropped off the gear, and since we needed room for the snow, Zack and Jake went 15 minutes to the ice rink while Chris and I "guarded" our stuff...kinda sketch. Anyways, they got back and we spent a good 30-40 minutes setting up the snow. Since the inrun was on stairs, we had to set up wood on which to ski down. Jake was going to slide one rail, and Chris and I were to slide the other. We had it especially rough because we had to make a sharp turn in order to set up for the hit. Anyways, here's the vid. This was made by Zack too - I made one but his is better:
Manchester Urban from Zack M on Vimeo.
Talking to people who don't know what you're doing is epic. They're so funny...
Tomorrow I start selling Livin' the Dream, the movie I made of our 07-08 season. I finally got it done! I'm so stoked to hear what people think, because I put a lot of time into it and I feel like it reflects the laid back - have fun attitude of our season.
Here's the teaser:
Livin' the Dream Teaser from Milos Atz on Vimeo.
Alright now, this is the end of my media-ridden blog post. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I'd appreciate feedback, whether it be on writing or pictures or videos or skiing or anything.
Thanks guys. Have a great Friday/weekend :)