Faction launch the 2009 ski design competition. Win $500 and your own skis!
Think you have what it takes to design a fantastic ski topsheet? Have a painting or drawing sitting in the corner that you think would look wicked strapped to your feet? While there are strong examples of cultural crossovers between sport and design in the areas of skateboards and snowboards, skiing has long been designs long lost ugly cousin…but there are a few brands out there trying to bridge this gap.
Driven by the desire to bring together the complimentary facets of art, design, music and skiing The Faction Collective are an independent freeride/freestyle ski brand producing cutting edge products with a mix of street-wise design and a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility. Looking to unearth new artists as well as getting traditional artists and designers to become involved in the cultural exchance between art/design and sport, they are announcing the launch of their first ski design competition open to the public. Faction are looking for topsheet and base designs for their 2009/10 park ski, code-named the ‘Kennedy’.
The theme for the skis is “urban jungle”. This can be interpreted either literally or philosophically. Artwork can be produced in any media – pen, pencil, paint, digital, the blood of a unicorn – however submissions must be made in digital format. Photos or scans of artwork are acceptable, however finished digital art is preferred – Adobe Illustrator .eps or high-res .pdf format. Please make sure all fonts are converted to paths if used.The Faction logo does not have to be utilised in the submitted artwork, however The Faction Collective reserve the right to add to the design the Faction logo and model designation information. Artwork will remain the copywright of the artist, however the winner gives The Faction Collective the right to use their artwork.
We have prepared an Adobe Illustrator template – download it by clicking here.
All submissions should be emailed to info@factionskis.com and must be received by January 1, 2009. After being compiled they will be published on this website. Voting will then be open to the public, closing on February 1. The winner will be announced March 1, 2009 with the ski going into production for the 2009/10 season. The competition is open to anyone, of any age or geographical location.