If you’ve ever found yourself at the base of Alta’s Collins chairlift early on a winter morning, you’ve probably seen Brian McGrath waiting patiently at the front of the line, wearing a black jacket, black pants, and a huge smile. Known more commonly as First Chair Brian, or FCB for short, he has been something of a legend in the Alta community for years. What sets FCB apart from the rest of the shredders at Alta is that his dedication never wavers, no matter the conditions; be there powder or crud or ice, he is out there every morning, ready to ski whatever the mountain provides for him. He represents what every skier should be, a die-hard who just wants to do what he loves as much as he can. He loves to ski, and he respects others who share that same passion. FCB should be a role model for the Alta community, and for the ski community as a whole. Too many skiers today are constantly worrying about how they stack up against everyone around them. Does all my gear match? Do I look better than the guy next to me? Does he shred harder than I do? How will people know how hard I ski if I don’t get this GoPro shot? Those things don’t matter to FCB. He’s not trying to stand out, or to gain glamor or glory from his skiing. He is just a guy following his dream of skiing as much as he can. We should all strive to be more like FCB because it’s people like him that make skiing great. He is driven purely by the joy of being out on the mountain. With all the petty distractions that can make us lose sight of the true essence of our sport, FCB stands as a reminder of what skiing is really about, and of why we were all so captivated by the mountains in the first place.
FCB Also Know as First Chair Brian
by TurnYonder
