Austrian Freeski Open 2011 from Frederick Iliano on Vimeo.
EFO 2011 in Laax from Frederick Iliano on Vimeo.
Andri Ambuhl Invitational: I ended up 5th in semis and i was pretty stoked that I landed my dub. It was the best comp, ever.
Andri Ambühl Invitational 2011 from Frederick Iliano on Vimeo.
Salomon Jibb Academy: It was really tight betveen myself (Fredy) and Kai but he also killed it and it was such a fun day, I ended up 2nd !! Now I am going to Finland from the 14-17 April for the European final.
Salomon Jib Academy 2011 (national final) from Frederick Iliano on Vimeo.