Photos by David Lesh unless otherwise noted.

I'll let this travelogue begin with my trip back to Madison, Wisconsin to visit the fam and do some early season skiing at Tyrol Basin, the place I grew up skiing. Here is an early season edit with some Tyrol footy, big thanks to Legendary Jackson for the tunes:

After doing a little ice skating in Chicago with my cousins, I began my drive back to Breckenridge.

And of course, on the way I was lucky enough to spend a little time with Nebraska's finest. Well, I guess this guy wasn't really that great...

Shortly after getting back to CO, I was invited to compete in the Vail Snow Days Rail Jam. You can check out an NS team update for more about this:

Liberty rider Graham Owen and I learned how to juggle while waiting our turn, Spinks Photo.

Vail unveiled their new "Y" rail for the comp, pretty cool. T.Verke Photo.

Wouldn't ya know, I made finals and to top it off, I ended up winning the damn thing.

Then we had a few nice days in the park, Alex Applegate photos.

Liberty Team rider Alex Applegate and I thought it would be a good idea to go in search of some real skiing so we hit the road and headed West.

We stopped and visited Liberty Mountain Rep Mike Corrigan at Brighton, Utah for an epic day out of bounds. Big thanks to Dani from Brighton for the tickets, letting us on the lifts early, and for the fresh tracks and endless cliff drops all day.

Applegate gets after it, Adam Barker Photo.

Applegate again, Jake Lawlor Photo.

I couldn't let Applegate have all the fun, Jake Lawlor photos.

Adam Barker Photo.

Applegate Photo.

Then we continued our adventure to Portland to ski Hood. We ran out of gas, and drafted a semi for 40 minutes which worked, but the next time we weren't so lucky.

We watched Donie Darko while waiting for someone to bring us some gas.

We skied Meadows for a day, but then it began to rain so we headed North to Washington. After a great day at Alpental, we headed to Baker. Big thanks to photographer Grant Gunderson for the tickets and showing us around!

Alex and I met up with Red Bull's Jamey Voss, who took this next photo.

Don't worry, Jamey was able to make a few turns for himself.

And of course I snapped a few of Applegate.

Yours truly blasting through the trees, Applegate photo.

Then we headed back to Seattle for the night. The next day we hit the skate park with Al and our friend Hoen. Lesh Photos.

In 6 days Al and I skied 5 resorts in 4 states, not bad eh? I headed back to Breck and Allison and I checked out the international snow sculpting competition. Yeah, she's petting a beaver.

This last week was SIA, and since it was the last year being held in Vegas, how could I not go? Big ups to Liberty for sending me there and putting us up at the Excalibur.

Liberty rider Graham Owen welcomes me to our room.

The owner of Liberty, Jim Satloff was kind enough to take us to check out his friends new joint "Lavo" in the Palazzo.

We had VIP bottle service and they kept bringing us bottles. We had a little trouble finishing them all so I pocketed one for the ride.

After a few hours of sleep, we hit the show. The Liberty booth in all its splendor.

Graham, his girlfriend Sara, and I decided to adventure down the strip one night.

New York, New York.

The Bellagio.

Vegas came to a close, and it was time to fly home.

In other exciting news, I was just invited to compete in Red Bull Playstreets in Austra in 2 weeks. You can check out their site and my rider profile here:

It's one of the most innovative concepts for a competition, they build a slopestyle course though a little Austrian town (Bad Gastein) and you get to gap over houses and whatnot.

Expect another update soon about this and other adventures...