"The EIGER" - Super Frenchie Diaries with Matthias Giraud Vol. #2 on WIDSIX TV
Along with the Matterhorn and the Grandes Jorasses, the Eiger is one of the most challenging peaks in the Alps.
Captured on GoPro's from multiple angles, as well as footage from the Heli, Matthias Giraud charges the west wall of the Eiger and dodges avalanche debris before launching into the North face.
Music: Pumped Up Kicks (dsk chk remix) by Foster the People -http://soundcloud.com/dsk-chk/foster-the-people-pumped-up-1
See more of the Super Frenchie Diaries on http://widsix.tv
See more of Matthias Giraud on http://matthiasgiraud.com