Dynastar Unveils How Skis Are Made on...
"How It's Made"
For the first time ever a ski company will show the world how its skis are made on the highly-acclaimed How it’s Made television show. The crew of How It’s Made was at Dynastar in Sallanches, in the Chamonix Valley, France in September 2008 to produce this interesting step-by-step view of how alpine skis are produced. The show will highlight the different parts used in a ski, including bases, edges, metal laminates, top-sheet, molding processes, cosmetics and finishing processes -- everything that goes into making skis ready for the slopes.
How It’s Made is an award-winning show that highlights how ordinary, everyday items are made. Have you ever wondered how the products you use are made? How It's Made leads you through the process of how everyday products, such as apple juice, toothpicks, engines, contact lenses, and many more objects are manufactured.
Now that list includes Dynastar skis. And soon it will include Lange boots, too!
The How It’s Made “Dynastar skis” show will air on Friday June 19th 2009 at 9:00 pm ET on the Science Channel. If you miss the show consult the How It's Made website for addition air dates and times.
For more Dynastar/Lange information, check out dynastar.com or e-mail us at info@dynastar.com!