Making the drive to Sunday River from Quebec was none other than the Gagnier brothers from Mt St. Anne that threw down hard but were short handed in the finals with slowish snow and slushy conditions but still were stoked on the comp in the end.

Charles and Vincent get ready to face off with Dumont and the rest of the field including yes you guessed it 8 year old groms that rip!!
The Qually's fielded a super rounded talent pool that Van Valin, Steel Spence, Hibbert Dumont and the rest of the judges felt should move on including Charles Gagnier, Vincent Gagnier, Henrik Lampert, Mike Riddle, Joe "Cheese Belly" Schuster, Scott Nelson,Laurent Farve, Samuel Lagrande, Chris Laker, Charlie Owens, Clayton Villa Joss Christensen, Tyler Thistle Maks Gorham, Dale Talkington and Matt Margetts.
Vincent Gagnier
Vincent Gagnier
Joe Schuster on the bottom 80 foot air
Dumont getting ready to drop in
Final results
1) Tom Wallisch $10,000.00
2) Joss Christensen $5000.00 and a pair of new Dumont Pro Model skis
3) Mike Riddle $3000.00
4) Simon Dumont
5) Matt Margetts
6) Vincent Gagnier
7) Clayton Villa
8) Joe Schuster
9) Laurent Favre
10) Samuel LaGrange
After the awards and the rail jam was finished and all after bangs were finished off the the afternoon Dumont stuck around like a true host to sign autographs and throw give aways out to the huge crowds that showed up to watch.
A huge thanks goes out to Michael Spencer, Jack Flemming, Nick Lambert and the park staff at Sunday River for making this event go off as smoth as it did over the weekend. See you all next year for what sounds like it will be the biggest Pro/ Am event of the year!! Get ready to mark your calendars!!
See you next year!