Newest Addition to Windells Park is the Bag Jump. Blowing up Session 3 and Staying Here through out the Summer. A ton of kids are skeptical including myself but after watching Head Coach Witt Foster Slay it, I was eager to have at it along with campers, Spriggs, Tudor, Collins, LJ Strenio and the rest of the Windells Coaching Staff.
Lets ask Witt what he thought of the Jump.

Me: So what do you think of the Bag Day One.
Witt: I wasn't even sure what it was, the secret of the bag was kept quiet in the Volt of Windells Mind. But when I rose about Mt Hood, I looked over and could not believe my eyes. I knew that me and the bag would have words.
Me: So What did that bag have to say?
Witt: Well.........when i was coming around the 2nd Flip, My Line EP Pros Caught Some Wind. I ended up Coming up a Wee bit shot and smashing head first into the mat. Luckily for me, the Bag felt softer than landing into 3 feet of utah Pow. Or something like that.
Me: Whats your favorite thing about the bag?
Witt: Enough about the Bag, Lets talk about the lift and how it is probably the most amazing thing to ever hit the slopes of mt Hood. Yesterday, I saw one campers hit the private jump line about 60 times in one day. Its that lightning fast......
Me: Wanna Plug anything else?
Witt: - grab up your limited edition tees now! Oh yeah - and that dude Varyk cased the big jump today. Hes all good but lets give it up to the first camper to hit Bigs

Thanks Witt for the quick update of whats going on at Windells. A Full Session 2 and 3 update will be posted up in a few days!

One last Teaser - Overview Shot of Park with Bag Jump.