So i had typed up a sweet little resume of what Skippy Mesirow and i did today, but my laptop dicked me over and decided to go back a page....ok maybe i pressed the back one page shortcut....damnit.
Anyway, we hiked loveland today, and it was pretty tracked out in the regualr spots, and really sketchy snow in the hiking spots (like, 30 min hike of death spots).
But skippy and i managed to find a couple of fun little things we could get some shots of:

this is what happens when you hit sketchy snow:

trying to get out of the shit ASAP.

After that little chute, we saw a cliff that, from far away, seemed to be at least 15 feet high...hah, PSYCH! it was really no more than 6 feet...but skippy hit it and....


For a first day of a season, it wasn't too shabby.
Anyway, after the unsucessful hike, we called it a day, and drove back to boulder.
In the last blog, i mentioned a rail at boulder high school. I won't be able to update anything on that till it snows again, which hopefully will be soon..
Peace out NS, and shout out to High Society Skis.