Create It Vol. 1 Winners Are Unveiled to the Public! Granby, June 13, 2006- Rossignol is proud to announce that a jury made up of its International Freestyle Team has selected the six winners of the Scratch Create It Graphic Contest Vol. 1. The graphics are now published on the Web. The six graphics will be used on the Scratch skis, in limited editions, available next fall at our best Rossignol dealers. CANADIAN CREATIVITY Many countries were involved in this contest and the results truly show the worldwide scope of it. Two French, one Swedish, one American and two Canadians are part of those six winners. We must underline the fact that Canada was well represented with 10 semi-finalists, out of the 50 that were chosen through the Web. The two Canadian winners are Étienne Aubert Bonn (Rock Forest, Quebec) and Jonathan Godbout (Montreal, Quebec). Each winner will receive 1500 Euros in cash prize and will be invited to the Mondial du Ski in Les Deux Alpes, France, for the Awards Ceremony. Each of the 100 artworks’ author selected in February will receive a pair of Scratch skis. CREATE IT, IN A FEW WORDS The Create It Graphic Contest Vol. 1 was the first-ever worldwide graphic contest in the ski history, encouraging all ski enthusiasts, artists and designers to create a ski for the 06-07 Scratch skis collection. More than 8,000 persons uploaded the files to access the technical specs of the contest. Out of the 3,500 proposals received worldwide, a first cut was done in each country to get 100 semi-finalists. After two selections on the Web, with 12,700 voters involved, the contest came to an end when the Rossignol freestyle athletes chose the 6 winners during the Orage Masters in Mammoth, California. The artworks can be seen at The skis will be available next fall in selected Rossignol dealers.
Create It Winners
by schmuck