The Contour Wanna Be A Knight online video contest has delivered some of the best freeski action ever committed to film, rocketing the sport into a new realm and showing what's in store for everyone at the FIAT Nine Knights from the 15th to the 20th April in Livigno, at the Mottolino Fun Mountain.

Impressing the judges and earning the right to throw down on the fabled "Il Castello" are Niklas Eriksson, Luca Tribondeau, Christoph Schenk, Dennis Ranalter and Nicky Keefer. Check out the best of the guy's submissions below.

The fifth edition of the FIAT Nine Knights promises the finest of what the freeski world has to offer with names like Paddy Graham, Bene Mayr, Kevin Rolland, Phil Casabon and Henrik Harlaut ready to deliver a combination of smooth skill, hard nut style and all-out steeze on the craziest feature ever conceived by the mind of man – "Il Castello".

Shaped to perfection by the geniuses at Schneestern and the master CAT drivers from Mottolino Fun Mountain, "Il Castello" defies comparison. 100,000 cubic meters of snow formed into a 60m long, 28m high, 150m wide behemoth of jumps, jibs, pipes and rails that will test the world's best freeski athletes and ensure the progression of freesking. Joined by a talented array of photographers and filmers ready to capture the action, the FIAT Nine Knights in Livigno is 2013's ultimate freeski supersession.

For more information on Nine Knights, check out