Canada’s own Colston VB took some time out to shoot us an update on what he’s been up to, including some pretty good footage. So take a moment, watch some ridiculous powder and Bacon base shots and hear what this crazy Canadian is up to.

Q: So what are you up to these days? School, skiing, etc…

A: As of now I am finished school for the year and I’m back home for the holidays! It Feels so good to be back and to ski with all my friends. I have been racking up hours both at Whistler and Red Mountain for what we know as “pre-steezin” training, getting in shape and honing skills for the winter ahead. I have also been setting up a bunch of new and exciting opportunities for later this season.

Q: So what’s been going on with the Voleurz family?

A: With Voleurz it’s not really about who does what. It’s more or less a never-ending individual competition to see who has the most fun. Look On the Bright Side was released last month. I have some shots in the first segment amidst some good friends, check it out:

Q: Why ride/film with snowboarders?

A: It’s super fun, plus it is a source of inspiration. You can see first hand a whole different spectrum of tricks and techniques that can influence your skiing right then and there. Some of my favorite riding partners are snowboarders. Just watching skiing all the time can get old and it’s easy to get stoked on what people in similar sports are doing.

Q: Anything else that you’ve been in?

A: What’s in the Fridge was released online a few days ago featuring a FULL segment of me skiing: Stoked on it!

(Segment is at 12:30)