Check In: Inflik Media
Photos by Kaleb Weston & Eddie Foster
Have you seen the Doorstep Project yet? If not, you probably should head over to and watch it right now for free. Last year it hit film festivals and later, the web to a great reception. The concept was simple: document a a season spent in a motorhome, skiing in the streets with your friends. The result was a film with great storytelling, some unreal skiing and the IF3 crash of the year courtesy of Jarred Martin. It was easily one of my favourite flicks of the year, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was on your list too. I checked in with filmmaker Kaleb Weston to chat about Inflik's plans for the season and in the future.

Left to right: Zam Matchett, Parker Blackstock, Kaleb Weston, Kieran Nikula, Jarred Martin, Jarrad McCarl
What are your conceptual plans for a follow up to the Doorstep Project this year?
Our conceptual plans for the follow up to TDP were above the clouds. We started the year off with a plan, a story and a full list of riders. Everything aligned except for the snow. With a budget based purely off what we made individually over the summer, obviously travelling is limited and we were unable to chase the winter in the east. Combine all those factors with injuries, there just simply wasn't a way that we can portray our concept the way we want to. As a result, our original concept is being put on hold. Despite all that, we have 3 FS700's and a glass half full hard drive. Inflik is still planning an online release at the end of the summer 2015.

How did the success of last year's movie change your outlook on what is possible for Inflik as a whole?
The feedback we received from The Doorstep Project was overwhelming. We held a couple showings of the movie in Whistler, Kamloops & Sun Peaks. Mostly homies coming out to support, which was great to see our community of friends coming together. The outlook of what was possible for Inflik probably changed when the entire crew was too liquored and actually required a "boot" (someone sober) to purchase a 60lber of whiskey shortly after the movie played at iF3 might have 2pm. After seeing what we could do with a basic concept such as living in a motorhome and making a ski movie, we started plotting and scheming for something original to produce in this season. Every member of the crew has something special that contributes to how Inflik is portrayed.
Where is the motorhome parked at the moment? Has it played a role in this year's plans at all?
The motorhome is parked in Whitecroft, below Sun Peaks, where it's been sitting since we parked it there last May. Early ideas suggested incorporating the motorhome into this years project, yet oddly enough we find ourselves living in a different motorhome in Revelstoke at the Goon Acres.

What has been your biggest high of the season so far?
January was definitely our biggest high for sure. Hitting 2 sometimes 3 spots a day with a HEAVY crew, we were off to a great start! We suffered some heavy injuries over the next month, with two of our main riders out for the year. This left Zam in the drivers seat for the month of March in Revelstoke and he has been on some shit.
How did you adapt to the huge issue relating to lack of snow in the West this season?
As the snow began to fade, spots got gnarlier, and our luck started to run out. Kieran ended up going to Mexico, and unfortunately Jarv (Jarred Martin) got hurt.

What was your biggest challenge?
Lack of snow, injuries, and a limited budget have created some challenges for us.

Going forward, what are you looking to improve on and develop as a crew?
This is an interesting question...we want to step outside the typical framework of films in the ski industry and approach it in our own way. We're gonna keep doing what we do, make a movie that were hyped on and hopefully people like it. Now that we actually have 3 FS's the potential of what we can produce has shot up dramatically. Our future plans might also consider stepping into commercial and private filmmaking, Inflik's for hire let your friends know, ha!
Don't miss the new edit from Big White, featuring Zam & JDSC!