words & photos: ckoJust got back off the hill after the Superpipe comp, and what more can we say, Candide graced us with his presence and dominated the length of the pipe all day long, taking first place and $10,000. Candide's amplitude proved unbeatable by anyone other than second place winner Lisko Heiskanen, yet the Finnish rider couldn't combine his height with the technical aspects that Mr. Thovex threw down.Weather finally co-operated and gave all the media on hand a few good glimpses of light which was greatly appreciated by all. The Laax pipe however wasn't as epic as it has been in the past. The majority of it was perfect but the riders left wall wobbled really noticably at the end, causing some riders trouble with landing their switch spins at the end of their runs.Semi-finals, just like slopestyle, pitted the pre-invited athletes against the locals that had battled it out in the qualifying heats on Thursday. Notables bowing out before the big dance included TJ Schiller who was throwing really sick double tips, Dan Marion who tried his best to progress the switch aspect of pipe riding, and Tanner Rainville who put in a solid, stylie performance.Finals ended up being a throw down between Candide and Lisko boosting huge, with Simon Dumont throwing tech tricks with big grabs on every hit. In the end Candide and Lisko's height were too much for Dumont and Candide took the win in what was reportedly only his second day riding pipe in a month.For the women, finals consisted of the top 6 with Virginie Faivre in third, Anais Caradeux second, and Marie Martinod winning the big prize and promising to get everyone "fucking drunk" tonight. On that note, below are some shots of the day. More coming later, and maybe even some video.
Candide lights it up in the Laax Pipe
by schmuck