Words: Edith Morin
Photos: Alizée Emond & Nicholas Dion
Once again, for the third year in a row, The Boutique XS just outside of Montreal, Quebec started the season early with their annual XS Rail Jam last weekend in front of their shop.
Unlike previous years, Mother Nature blessed the participants and fans with beautiful weather, making for a great day. The setup gave beginner skiers and snowboarders a chance to hone their skills but also allowed the more adventurous guys a challenge.
The presence of the extremely popular Quebec native Phil Casabon was appreciated by all (especially the groupies, who threw themselves at him the moment they saw him), and the organizers had the chance to spoil the participants and onlookers with tons of prizes thanks to our sponsors.
Phil Casabon makes an apperance.
Lots of free hot dogs and swag kept everyone happy.
Finally, thanks to Dalisa, everyone got to eat delicious hot dogs for free, and to Boutique XS, who with their crazy setups and pros to motivate the kids made for guaranteed smiles all day.