Never thought we’d see the day that there was an opening day park on Kiss-a-Bear.  The snow making opportunities this fall have been short, warm and with winds blowing the opposite  from the ideal direction.  It was a good thing we installed a new snow making pipeline under the Nugget chair this summer.  That upgrade ensured we could play the wind and not only make opening day happen on one trail but TWO!  We’ve also made good progress putting snow down on the lower CORE park.  Better conditions should return later this week and we will continue to make snow at every opportunity.

Opening Weekend Park Line Up


20ft down box

15ft down rail

15ft f/d rail

mini stall wall

South 40:

30ft flat box

15ft d/f/d rail

30ft street style tower tube

30ft c-box

20ft u/f/d rail

small jump

30ft staircase with down bar and down box

Urban Hip

30ft c-box