That was it, after a few years without good weather, we had a nice blue
bird day for the semi final on Mount Roberts. Good viz usually mean
gnarly skiing and today comp wasn t any exception.
Even with crappy snow conditions, today venue was fun and we had enjoy
some really good skiing out there. Boys and girls shown their best
skills to the crowd : Back to back, 20 footer acid drop to really flat
landing on a 65 degres slope on top of rocks threes,
backflipping from a 30 footer to hard pack landing, rock sliding, 70
footer cap landed on one foot like he was having a cup of tea.
Luke Nelson, from Fernie, BC won the day with a super clean a fluid
line with massive drop and expose turns on top. Whistler resident and
Quebec rising star, Mathieu Theriault shredded a sick and super fast
line good enough for the third place overall. My personnal choice goes
to young blood, Dane Tudor, from Red Mountain with a impressive run
ending up with a 70 footer gap to mandatory 90 degres turn and nasty
compression. With solid skiing like today and yesterday, it won t be
long before everybody hear about that kid.
Can t wait for tomorow....ladies and gentlemans, this is show time!