Hey Readers,
Hope everyone is having a
good winter so far. I just figured I would let you know how mine is
going at the moment... Currently I am in Switzerland with level 1, the
crew includes Tanner Rainville, Wiley Miller, Jeff Cricco, Josh Berman
and myself.

To be more specific we are staying in Switzerland but end
up skiing in France and Switzerland each day since you can cross that
border while skiing in the mountains here. So far we have just been
skiing around looking at zones and snow quality. We have got a pretty
big list of thing's to do and right now it is snowing out so it looks
like were going to have good snow when we take care of our list.

mountains are really amazing here and well as how many skiers there
are. One thing I noticed right away was how many people just seemed
excited to ski in general. Many people have gear here that is well
over 7 years old but are just as stoked to ski as anyone. It is kind
of refreshing to see, there is no attitude around here that I have
encountered. Other than maybe not knowing how to speak french, that
would help me quite a bit. I plan to take care of that this summer.
Another thing that is different with on hill manners is the line-ups.
There are no guide line ropes around to stop people from snaking each
other. It was a holiday week this past week so it was a free for all
in the lift lines. You can try to snake as hard as you can, no one
will say anything, because they are doing the same. It all seems to
work out though.

We are here for about another week and a half then it is back to BC for me. Happy shredding everyone!