Hey everyone I apologize if you tried to stop by the blog lately as the server has been down. Good news, obviously back up!
Things are still going very good out here in California, I would finally consider us settled in! Katrina surprised me with a elaborate edit suite so my place of work is now my sanctuary, complete with plant life, inspirational posters, a Buddha, a new computer system courtesy of Nike 6.0, a ton of hard drives and close friend Tyler Hamblet working by my side on Poorboyz yearly release titled “Every day is a Saturday”. Make sure to check out both of the films we are working on this fall, More info available at http://www.poorboyz.com. I am also happy to report that Katrina has her knitting operation set up once again, and creativity is flowing all around this apartment!
As far as my body goes, spasticity has gotten worse since leaving the hospital making day-to-day life slightly more painful and complicated when it comes to therapy and being functional. Regardless I am a long way from being done with therapy so it is ongoing and will be for the rest of my life most likely. I am lucky enough to have a standing frame (Thanks again IYCD), that I stand in as often as possible, still waiting on the FES bike to arrive so I can get my legs moving again!
As I’ve previously promised I am writing here to share inspiration. The thing, or words I should say, that I have really been keeping me on track both mentally and physically these past few weeks are three simple words all beginning with P.
Potential. We all enter upon this earth with the same thing, we all have the potential to live our lives to the fullest extent each and every day no matter what our situation. Potential is something that should be explored on a daily basis.
Passion. Throughout our lives we all stumble upon things or ideas that make our lives meaningful. Following these passions brings us to the third word…
Progress. With our individual realization of our human potential being combined with our realizations of our passions in life we end up progressing into a better situation every day.
I want everyone to know that no matter what you go through in your life, you will live a meaningful one as long as you realize your potential, embrace your passions, and recognize your progress. For anyone going through a challenging episode such as I am, my advice to you… take a moment during your day to repeat these three words and realize that tomorrow may not be easier but it will always be a step in the right direction.