Dave Brunelle reports in with a few words -


seized the opportunity to get some footage when I found out Cedric was going to be in Montreal for a day. I

jumped on the first bus to Montreal at 3:45 am and arrived at around 7


    As it turns out, getting around the Montreal Metro proved to be

quite an ordeal. I was carrying 4 pairs of skis as well as lugging

around all my camera equipment, but I finally made it to Magik4 Pro Ski

Shop in Laval! Here I found the Pirate himself waiting for me to bring

him the new sticks. As I revealed his first pair of Moment Reno Jibs,

he let out a joyous "Arrrrrrrrrrr". After mounting a few pair of skis

at Magik4(who happens to be the only shop in Quebec to carry Moment

right now), we set off for Mont Avila. Avila has one of the best parks

in Quebec right now and was a perfect place to get some update-worthy

shots in.

    Avila had a few cool jibs and a nice jump line going, considering

they lost so much snow due to the warm weather. To say the very least

Cedric impressed me, even though we were just messing around and having

fun, he is one of the most consistent riders I have ever seen. You can

ask him to do a trick, and he'll do it, and stomp it with style! He's

one of the most easy going and well-rounded riders out there.

