It is with no shortage of anticipation that we await the first ever Red Bull ReDirect competition, to be held in Quebec City on February 12th. Red Bull is known for funding and hosting creative competitions, from Play Streets to Foret Urbaine to the Cold Rush series.
JP’s ‘08 recap is worth revisiting for so many reasons, including the footage from RedBull Play Streets in Badgastein
They’re shaking things up once again with this jam-format competition that will incorporate the “natural” urban landscape of Quebec City. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first redirect-specific competition ever held, though our knowledge has been wrong before. We always appreciate a fresh take on skiing, especially in a competition that’s going to be unusual and will send a deserving skier home with some cash and some props in his pocket.
That got us thinking about our favourite redirects, so we went out and tracked some of them down.
The redirect at 4:15 of Jarred Martin’s greatest hits has probably the coolest setup of any of these clips - that blow torch shot looks sweet. Made even hotter by the fact that Jarv greases the trick.
Watching Logan ski is always a pleasure; the technical difficulty of going wall into redirect is betrayed by the smoothness of this hit.
Mitchell Brower from this year’s Level 1 release, showing once again how far removed Mitchell is from the rest of us mortals.
Clayton Vila's redirect in 2013’s Mutiny (find it at 1:11) is a good looking trick no matter what angle you choose, but we really appreciate the precision of the concrete wedge takeoff.
Since my memory for tricks is wiped almost clean as soon as a video ends, I'm certain that I've forgotten and missed some prime redirects. Leave your favourites in the comments and we'll add the best ones as they come.