In early January, with no comps or travel for a week and friends on holidays, we had a chance to enjoy some time at home skiing the little features we were hitting when we were kids. No pressure, no goal, just having fun and trying funky stuff.

The vibes are great in Annecy and it has a huge history in freestyle skiing. People inspired by Candide Thovex and lately the High Fives festival make it a Mecca for our sport in Europe. It's always fun times there and now that summer has come, the sun is shine and warm, and skate sessions keep going all night. It's also pretty fun to edit cuts from the winter. Especially when you can skate the same spot you've been skiing 6 months ago.

In this edit, I just tried to make it feel real and relatable. To show that home has opportunities for street skiing. Hopefully it worked out and you will have fun watching!

I'll be skiing Windells this summer for the first time, hope to see a lot of you guys out there :)

TchouTchou says the hype train.