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I woke up around 4 am on New Years morning to arrive in Salt Lake by late afternoon to meet up with Giray Dedali and the Visual Collective guys. The Salt Flats on the way to Salt Lake CityI got there at a decent time, but Cameron and Spencer arrived around 10 and we still had the intense task of trying to get everything to fit in the X Terra. This might sound easier then it really was. Our game of Packing Tetris ended up lasting a few hours and there was still only 3 seats for four people. Some tetris needed to be played.We got up the next morning before sunrise to a freak snow squall that left the roads a mess for a little over a hundred miles. We were finally on our way and trying not to think about the long 20 hour drive we had in front of us. Took a break to stretch. No idea what Giray is doing.Some of the Midwest is very boring and flat.Feeding the car.The snow was light and blowing around. After a solid 20 hours of driving we finally arrived at our destination and begin the long exciting adventure of finding new features. We struck luck in the first 5 minutes of scoping and found our first new rail, which was a 40 foot down bar. We continued to look around Minnesota for new things and were not having much luck. We checked into a hotel and called it a day hoping our luck would change in the morning. The next day we found an area with promising potential. After a couple of hours of looking around we came across a solid quad kink and became very excited to session our first feature of the trip. The excitement eventually ended when we realized the quad kink had two sizable gaps that made it unhittable for Giray. We decided to stick around and let Spencer session it by himself. Shoveling out some stairs.Spenny slaying the long quad kink.After a rather long successful session we headed back to the hotel to recuperate. After a short chill time we headed out to the long down rail that we had found the night before. Since the rail was a little mellow we anticipated a long session. Spencer struggled as a snowboarder since the rail was somewhat mellow, but thankfully he did get a shot third try. Giray got multiple different tricks that he was hoping to get including a couple of stylish presses and a few switch up variations. The session ended after 4 hours at around 4am and we were definitely exhausted. Thankfully all of us did get a solid nap in during the car ride back to the hotel. Yes, that did include me who was driving. Oops. Cameron, Spenny, and Giray checking out the down rail.On our second day of the trip we went directly to a DFD we saw the previous day The only down side to the rail is that it was pretty steep, quick, and the flat was short. This made it perfect for some interesting shots. Spenny hiking the DFD.Right as we ended our session we had an interesting visitor come talk to us. He came over and wanted to watch someone hit it more. Spencer hopped back on the drop in and hit the rail a couple more times and actually got another shot in the process. The guy was interesting and it turned out that he was actually a local rapper. He threw down an ill little freestyle and then ran into his apartment and got us his CD. Pretty funny moment actually.Nitty doing some freestyling for us.Once again we ventured back to the hotel after doing some searching for more new features. That night we headed back to the area we were in during the day to hit a drop rail. Once again a successful session with multiple shots. The last two days of our trip was successful, but at the same time sluggish. After 4 days in a row of only 4 hours of sleep we became pretty tired. The amount of coffee we consumed could not of been healthy, but we still got some different things done. We hit another drop rail that was pretty fun, as well as an up flat, a down flat down flat, and just a stock down rail. Setting up the up flat rail.Giray warming up on the up flat drop rail.Giray hiking this awesome down flat down flat rail we sessioned on the last night.Giray checking out the flat close out we built. Trying to decide what to do...Getting ready to drop in to an AWESOME sunset and sun dog.By the end of the fourth day the weather started to and get brutal. The temperatures were ten below zero and that was not including the 30 mile per hour wind that made anything nearly impossible to hit. On our last feature we had a hard time getting hits in. After every hit, Giray had to stand on top of the drop in for 3-5 minutes each time just trying to wait out the wind. After that we decided it was time to head home to Salt Lake. Before we could get going though the car died and we struggled to get it jumped in the -40 wind chills. Thankfully we were at a gas station and some guy was kind enough to wait it out in the cold and jump the car. We barely got it started and refused to turn it off the rest of the drive even while stopped at gas stations. We got off the freeway to stop for a pisser break after 18 hours of driving and only 47 miles away from Salt Lake and accidently turned the car off. Bad news. The car didnt start and two people tried to jump us. Neither of them could get it jumped so we were stranded only 50 miles from home. Perfect way to end a long awesome trip.Broken down car. We all just wanted to get home at this point.The car did end up getting towed home for free... thankfully. Make sure to keep checking in on us for multiple updates throughout the season. Incase you all missed it, here is the D.O.S. Media season edit from 2008-2009. Enjoy and take care everyone!D.O.S. Media 2008-2009 Season Edit from Bentley Atteberry on Vimeo.-Photos and words by: Bentley AtteberryPlease follow us on Twitter if you have one...