The peak of creation
One of the last pieces of the puzzle for this year has been added – and it's a perfect fit. After releasing our best outerwear-collection (yet!), we now present to you this well-elaborated selection of hoodies, shirts, and everything in between. We entered unknown territory and tried out something new with using a lot of extraordinary patterns – without forgetting our roots and what we stand for. If you take a look through it, you will see that we got something for every propose and everybody within this huge selection of different styles, cuts and range of colors.
We have been working in two different directions. The one is our well-known shredding hoodies which will keep you warm on the mountain and in deep winter days. We kept the cut classic and worked even more on the graphics as we know how much you appreciate that. The other direction was to go back to the streets and invent a streetwear collection with unique cuts and different shapes and consciously put the graphics in the background.
"We haven't put so much detail in any collection like in this one" – says the designer and this can be seen throughout the entire sortiment this year. It started with a massive Outerwear release which skyrocketed and is already partly sold out and it goes on the same with the new 2016 FASC Hoodie Collection.
