Yesterday was a big day for Gianni Biello @GGfreeski , 10 year old Montreal local who stomped his first dub 10.

I'm typically not a fan of age claiming with tricks, but I'm personally stoked on this one. GG may be the youngest skier to land that on snow to this day (do correct me if I'm wrong, lots of crazy kids out there). Whether it's a first for 10 year olds or not, I wanted to give a proper shout out to this young gentleman. I met him last summer for the first time at Maximise, the freestyle training facility about 1 hour North of Montreal, and was immediately blown away. I had some cuts and bruises from bailing off the dry slope and while this kid's mom was helping me patch it all up, GG he was lapping the airbag throwing triple backflips.

He was also practicing dub 10s, so it's really no surprise to see him land it on snow, first attempt. In any case, I love seeing this GG's stoke on life and skiing. He's well surrounded, ambitious with a great attitude and this is likely just the beginning of an insane bag of tricks to be developed.

Cheers to the future and congrats my dude!