70+ Female Shredders To Follow On The 'Gram

The forums may be a free for all. but sometimes we get some good shit out of the hivemind...

By TrendingNews

While many of the forum dwellers behave like they've taken one too many double kinks to the head, there's definitely some gold amongst the turds. Female skiers and female freeski culture definitely deserve more attention and this thread in Ski Gabber is a great place to start.

@egirl.ski posed the question to NS of which female skiers and creatives in the industry were worth following on social media. While there were efforts to sway the conversation most of the a**holes that attended were put in their place by @eheath , @-Dan , @lauraobermeyer et al. and through the mist we got a pretty awesome list ranging from legends, up-and-comers, creatives and homies of females to follow!

Everyone in this list deserves a full introduction but it's just too damn big. Go do some digging and check out their shit! So, in no particular order add some skiers to your feed!
























































































This list is by no means exhaustive of all the rad ladies out there to follow but if you're looking for some new female faces to follow this should get you started. With a whole heap of styles and disciplines, we hope this spreads some love for the ladies out there and spreads some inspiration.

Of course, this list wouldn't be complete without mentioning and celebrating Sarah Burke a true pioneer of our sport, RIP. An inspiration and a pioneer, you're always missed.
