
Switchbacks Ahead

by schmuck
Oct 11th 2011 - 22 comments

Switchback Entertainment’s Mike Douglas and Jeff Thomas talk about what to expect from Season 5 of Salomon Freeski TV, their trio of upcoming short films and some exciting plans for the future.

High Fives Foundation/Level 1 Premiere

by schmuck
Oct 8th 2011 - 26 comments

High Fives Non-Profit Foundation is presenting a premiere of Level 1 Productions' After Dark in Prince George, BC on October 15th, with proceeds from the event going towards one of their athletes, Landon McGauley.

Boutique XS Rail Jam

by schmuck
Oct 9th 2011 - 32 comments

Here's some highlights from last week's always entertaining Boutique XS Rail Jam just outside of Montreal in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec.

SoO Airtime

by schmuck
Oct 7th 2011 - 38 comments

A few weeks ago 30 friends met at Mt Buller, Australia for five days of intense riding, shooting and other fun activities like dice, dancing and loopy conversations in front of a fire. Here's a look at what went down...

The Meeting

by schmuck
Oct 6th 2011 - 18 comments

Here’s a look at all the good times that were had this past weekend at the seventh edition of The Meeting in Aspen, Colorado.

Legs of Steel Webisode 3

by schmuck
Oct 5th 2011 - 33 comments

Legs of Steel releases their third webisode of the year and the first in a trio of weekly installments as the lead-up to the online release of their free feature-length film, Nothing Else Matters.

Kaya Bamba

by schmuck
Oct 18th 2011 - 53 comments

Kaya Turski talks about signing with Nike 6.0, plans for the upcoming season, and her thoughts on slopestyle skiing's inclusion in the 2014 Olympics.

The Media Spectacle

by schmuck
Oct 10th 2011 - 0 comments

Today was an exceptionally glamorous day in my life. I got on a bus early in the morning to visit Freestyle Ski Team Finland?s press conference and photo shoot in Helsinki. Skiing circles in Finland are pretty small and as we shared the event with alpine skiers, it was nice to meet many familiar faces after a long while.

It was a pretty typical press day. Photos of us wearing various ski team?s sponsor-gear were shot and after posing in front of camera for a couple of hours it was time to meet the press. To be honest, I didn?t feel like a superstar. Most journalists were only interested in alpine skiers leaving freestylers in the shadow. It would have also been a great chance to promote halfpipe?s and slopestyle?s Olympic status, but nobody happened to ask.

At the moment I?m on a train to my home in Jyväskylä. A pleasant surprise to come across with the wireless Internet on this train!

In regards to the Rail

by schmuck
Oct 7th 2011 - 0 comments

At the time when the photo was taken TSP had not yet decided whether they were going to do rider-based segments or location-based segments. Those of us who were scheduled to film more than others were told that the more shots we got, the more likely we?d have our own segment. This incentive is?huge. Having your own video part is much more appealing than having shots skewed across a 30-minute movie- not only do sponsors like it but it is an opportunity to salute your own vanity?and feed your bear-like ego just enough for it to hibernate through the winter. There, I said it. I know some will say, Finn you?re wrong, my bro (enter pro skier?s name here) is ?the humblest dude ever?, but in truth, all pro skiers have egos- admittedly some are more bloated than others, but we all cater primarily to ourselves. Remember that time you hucked a backy underneath the chairlift? Or took your girlfriend into the terrain park to show her your newest switch unnatural double-triple whirlybird? Ego is a part of the sport.

But alas, enough of my rambling.

It was in the middle of February when I received the phone call to go to Helena, MT. At the time, I was in Jackson Hole trying to get shots with Alex Martini from Stept. We weren?t getting any. The conditions could have been much better- it hadn?t snowed in a week and the sun was doing more baking than betty crocker. At the time, I had visions of filming both a full segment with TSP and a small part in the Stept film. I needed, for lack of a better expression, a shitheap of footage (that I didn?t have) if I wanted this to happen. I was jumping at every opportunity to film. So, When Justin Brodin from TSP told me to come to Helena for a rail trip, it was an easy decision to leave Alex behind in Jackson and drive the 5 hours to Helena.

I arrived in Helena around 10 O?clock at night to hit a wallride. We got about 4 hits in before we got busted. Next day, hungry for shots, we scoped the red rail that you see now in the photo. It looked beautiful in the AM lighting so we decided to come back later when darkness would fall and build the landing, then hit it the next morning.

Next morning, early rise. I remember being anxious enough to get a cup of the ?XXX Caffiene? coffee at the local gas station. If you haven?t tried that stuff yet, good for you. In fact, I salute you. You are a stand-up dude. To those who have tried that awful brew, you can relate. The jitters start in your hands and slowly spread through your whole body, until the cataclysmic moment when you run for the toilet and blast dookie. Devil?s piss though it may be, it does the job. I was pretty sure if I could get a front-swap blind-270 out on the rail it could fall into the ?banger? category, so I needed all the energy I could get.

Anyway, I hiked up for first hit. It went fine. Slid about halfway down and fell off the drop, didn?t even hurt. The first hit is always the most important. About 8th try I got a front 270 out, and Andy captured the photo in front of you. Stoked, I decided to go for the k-fed. After about three tries of not sliding the whole rail, It came together and I locked down my front swap. Now for the blind 2. There it is! And?.nope. I under-rotated and caught my edge on the landing. Short ambulence ride later and I was in Helena Medical Center with a dislocated shoulder and numerous cuts and bruises.

And that was pretty much my season. I came back in early May and tried to film as much as I could, but by no means did I get to do all the things I wanted to do, nor did I get a full segment- TSP did location-based segments anyway.

But, we did get the photo you see before you, and it did end up being the Switchblade ad, so I guess it wasn?t that bad of an injury. Life is strange. Sometimes a terrible event can provide some of the things you are most happy about.

[ED NOTE: Toy Soldiers made this quick video about the rail:]

IF3 Europe

by schmuck
Oct 4th 2011 - 23 comments

Here’s a look at everything that went down this weekend at the second annual IF3 Europe in Annecy, France.

IF3 and Interlude

by schmuck
Oct 2nd 2011 - 0 comments

Especially this year, if3 had some of the craziest parties/ski movies that I saw of my life. The Sean Petitt party was my biggest surprise. I don't listen to mettalica or Iron maiden normally, but that night I was their biggest fan. The band was very talented and they reproduce some of the most famous rock song in a very nice way. Cali P was real dope too, very good vibe and the guy has a lot of energy, everything you need for a good show.
Films were pretty good too, I particularly like PBP, MeathHeads, L1P and NSF who definitely was my biggest surprise this year. But all those judgements are made under the influence of a couple of beers, so basically, you are better to watch them all on your own and to judge by yourself.
Here is my part in 2009-2010 ESK MEDIA movie Stadacone... be sure to check out this year movie : Interlude !

The North Face Vancouver VIP Event

by schmuck
Oct 1st 2011 - 1 comments

The North Face is hosting a VIP event on Wednesday, October 5th at their Vancouver store to launch their Fall/Winter line along with a sale to show their appreciation for their customers.

AFP's Best Job Ever Contest

by schmuck
Sep 30th 2011 - 37 comments

The Association of Freeskiing Professionals (AFP) is running an amazing contest where you can enter for your chance to become their content manager and win a $10,000 expense account to travel the globe like a VIP!