
En Route Camp BC

by schmuck
Dec 5th 2011 - 29 comments

Nimbus Independent releases En Route Camp BC, which follows Anthony Boronowski, Julien Regnier and Eliel Hindert on a snow camping mission up into Callaghan, British Columbia.

One Love

by schmuck
Dec 3rd 2011 - 19 comments

The Austrian-based crew from releases their new film, One Love.

Early season in quebec

by schmuck
Dec 3rd 2011 - 2 comments

It snowed last week, and we all decide to go out in the streets. We hit a mellow down rail behind a school in Saint-Nicolas, people from Quebec will know what I'm talking about. This is one of the classic rail in Quebec, but it was my first time there. Nicolas Brassard(ESK media filmier) told me it was at least his tenth time there. This rail is really friendly, even our photographer, Anthony Verge, was hitting the rail at the end, just for fun. We decided to go there, because it does not require a lot of snow, and we would have to work with like 1cm accumulation. We got a couple of o.k.  shots, but one of the rider, Gab Boudreau, fell in the concrete stairs really hard trying a lip270 on. He's out for a week or two, but I guess he is going to be ok. 
I also read this story about the guy who died doing urban, this is sick. Personally, I only wear an helmet when I have to, but maybe we should start to changed our mind about all that. Trough time, I realize that you can hurt yourself at any time, not just when you are trying big tricks. I know wearing an helmet, especially during urban session,  may seem weird, but logically, this would be the thing to do. 

Screenshot taken from ESK media
There was a rail jam near my appartment yesterday and I decide to go there like 10 minutes before the inscription finished. I finished second and I was really stoked about it. I didn't have time to pay my inscription fees, so I had to pay it on the podium before receiving my check. This was a fun comp and a really friendly one too. 
Photo By Anthony Verge First : Dom Laporte, Sedond: Yan Bussieres, Third : Benoit Gendron
Otherwise, I turned Vegan a month ago. Being a vegan means  that I reject the commodity status of animals and the use of animal products for any purpose. This was easier then I thought and I really feel good about it for the moment.  
Thereupon, Have a good season. 

Gros Ventre Adventure

by schmuck
Dec 3rd 2011 - 5 comments

KGB Productions has released the seventh episode of their Wyoming Triumph series, along with an avalanche edit to remind you stay safe this winter while skiing in the backcountry.

The Expansion - Volume 1

by schmuck
Dec 2nd 2011 - 0 comments

Vital Films releases the first episode of season three of their incredible webisode series, The Expansion. Check it out on their new NSTV channel.

Salomon Guardian Live Chat

by schmuck
Dec 2nd 2011 - 6 comments

Salomon is hosting a live online presentation of their new Guardian 16 binding right now, followed by a live chat where you can ask questions. Check it out!

Couch Life

by schmuck
Dec 1st 2011 - 0 comments

Feast your eyes on the latest and greatest episodes of Couch Life on their brand spanking new NSTV channel.

Get Creative

by schmuck
Dec 1st 2011 - 0 comments

Moment Productions proudly presents the online premiere of their first short film with a fictional storyline, Get Creative.