We really should be bloging about the award ceremony last night, but we don?t have any pics? So we?ll show you a little bit of Annecy instead.
Decavision, The place where it all happens, one hell of a theatre!
Another hotelroom view
Coffe in Genéva
Annecy room view
Resting for tonights party
Early morning Lübeck, leaving the hotel for another 120km drive to Genéva.
10h autobahn drive?
Reststop skatesess.
The smallest & most hidden gasstation ever.
Leaving for Annecy & IF3 early tomorrow morning, a 2600km, two day, drive.
We?ll keep you posted!
Our homies at Steep are doing the best railjam tour in all of the land. This past weekend they visited their and our hometown Östersund and even though the wether was kinda shitty everyone had a blast.
They even had an orchestra gettin? down!
Headjudge and TFJ slayer Simon stoked after a long day of watching kids sliding, swuping and slamming!
Everybody livin? close enough to make it, don?t miss out on the best night since the Dackefejden!
More tourstops to come, stay tuned as we might end up near you!
Sun all through Sweden, but as soon as we hit the boarder?this.
So on our way we discovered that norway is having trouble with flooding?
?that made us re-route and drive up & down places like this for 5-6hours.
Passed a lot of fantastic scenaries/skatespots on all kinds of alltitude.
RobG back at it with TFJ Riders spring shred
A couple of days of relaxin? with family down in sthlm.
Funäs next!
An hour away from closingtime the wind finally gave in and we got a couple of good hits on the jump.Going home tomorrow, celebrating easter before heading to Funäsdalen!