Ontario's Squire John's jibfest gets some coverage.
The many times we spent together will always be remembered.
When Ontario gives you snow, make huge backyard jumps
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It may have been rainy and windy but that didn't stop the riders at the first rail jam of the year in Ontario, at Georgian college.
A night of entertainment, music, good times and of course Claim!
The beginnings- the pleasure skiing brings me, and how i got to where i am today.
How i survived the first month of school, my experiences and tips
You think you know relaxation, my thoughts of one of the best places in the world besides the hill of course, sort of photo essay style, have a great week.
The different Television shows i was influenced by growing up, and the memories they have left, enjoy.
The beginnings- the pleasure skiing brings me, and how i got to where i am today.
A great simple Photoshop tutorial whether your starting out or a pro, great effects, ask question, alternative way, discuss...show me any examples you've done, have a great weekend NS!
A look into the lively debate of the uses of technology in the field of photography....fake, shoped, PHOTOSHOPED
I am sure most of your disagree...comment and let your anger run free
Rogge was the first, i will be the second, enjoy, criticize, banter, disagree, just do it with respect.