
The Weak14. Happy Valentines day.

by ICompton
Feb 15th 2011 - 0 comments

It's another Weak here in Utah. Spring is in full effect as friends ski in the sun, BBQ and cause neighborhood antics. I wanna know what you guys enjoy seeing so give me some feedback to what a Weak should hold. Enjoy and see you next Tuesday!


by ICompton
Feb 8th 2011 - 0 comments

It was a long trip too and from Cali and Salt Lake. Fun times with new and old friends with spring like conditions. Enjoy the Weak and cruze by next tuesday.


by ICompton
Feb 6th 2011 - 0 comments

Took a drive to Reno NV after X games and SIA. Up here chilling with good pal K.C. Deane and the Outdoor tech. guys! Been taking some pics in the street now its time to go get Weak at Boreal!

The Weak 12.

by ICompton
Feb 2nd 2011 - 0 comments

Welp blew it and was a day late. Heres a Weak filled with X games, SIA, snowmass, rapping slednecks, drunks and a whole lot of fun times. Hope you enjoy it and see ya next Tuesday...


by ICompton
Jan 29th 2011 - 0 comments

Getting weak here in Aspen with Will Wesson and friends. Its been a fun watching X and walkin around SIA, now its time to film wooo! Got any cool songs you wanna hear?

Weak 11...Bam!

by ICompton
Jan 25th 2011 - 0 comments

My favorite number in hockey was 11. Sorry for blowing it last weak, hope this one makes up for it! Enjoy fun in Utah and Alberta. Weak 11 is here...

A Weak vacation.

by ICompton
Jan 20th 2011 - 0 comments

I hate to do it but this weak will be delayed again. I am taking a little vaction in beautiful Edmonton Alberta with the Level 1 crew. Don't give up on the Weak for it will be back shortly...

The Weak. X (2in1)

by ICompton
Jan 11th 2011 - 0 comments

Happy new years everyone! This has already been a a hetic week for edits with the new TC and CASG so lets keep it up with a new Weak. Heres the Weak. X guys, hope y'all enjoy it and stop by next Tuesday!

The Weak, a little less weaker...

by ICompton
Jan 7th 2011 - 0 comments

Just a few more days till the new Weak. Sorry I had to miss last one, hope you guys like the new one. In the mean time check out this little upgrade from imovie to fcp PRO! See you tomorrow Utah.

Shit's Weak.

by ICompton
Jan 3rd 2011 - 0 comments

Soo I broke imovie...Thankfully my good pall Evan Williams hooked it up with FCP 7! So the Weak just got a little less weak... I was gonna put out a little tease for this week's Weak but instead next Tuesday will be a very special Weak, 2 weeks in the making! We have been filming a bunch and have some thing new dropping as well, so keep patient for next week WONT be Weak! Stop by for daily updates as well, Happy New Years!Photo by: Bennet Duchin

Winner WInner Chicken Dinner.

by ICompton
Dec 21st 2010 - 0 comments

Congrats to Alex Koeberle for being the first and only one to get the two questions right! Most of you were super close but Alex pulled it off...Answers:Song: ROsalie off my Dad's first albumn "Appaloosa"Trick: Long Jump! Spread's are so 80's...

A very special Weak...

by ICompton
Dec 20th 2010 - 0 comments

Happy holidays everyone! Hope everyone's tree is glowing and fridge's stacked with eggnog!Not only is this an extended Weak but you all have a chance to win some goodies! Make sure to pay attention to this weeks Weak and make sure to keep the holiday spirit! Heres what you can win!The first person to tell me the song and album name from my Dad's jam and what my favorite jump trick is will win these BRAND new Scott goggles and some extra stocking stuffers...It's a race and merry Christmas!The Weak. Lucky#7 from ian compton on Vimeo.

Taking care of business.

by ICompton
Dec 18th 2010 - 0 comments

Putting some final touches on the new Weak. It's looking to be my favorite one, and is special so it should be longer! Back in Utah Jack makes his dad AL very proud...How are you taking care of business today?-Compton