Nov 17th 2010
Each morning, we receive hundreds of inquiries regarding how to be sponsored. How good does my video have to be? How many tricks do I need to learn? Is it okay if I can't spin rightside? What if all my friends say I'm super good, even if kids on the internet talk smack.....? Well folks, other than being, really really, ridiculously good looking on a pair of skis, being sponsored is not an intricate web of logarithms, graphs, and scientific formulas. On the contrary, sponsorship involves a multitude of attributes, activities, and various levels of talent, marketing, varsity maneuvers. Rather than leave this information locked away in secret storage areas on our hard drives and FTP sites, we have decided to give you firsthand information on how to achieve your dream of being sponsored. BOOM. Welcome to Part I:
Athlete: Ian WadePhotos: Ian Matteson
In Part I of "How to Be Sponsored" we profile longtime Surface OG Ian Wade and his ability to be on the grind. Being on the grind is crucial to obtaining quality imagery with photogs, getting the shot before the generator dies, and stomping the perfect trick prior to getting hassled by security. For two years straight, Wade set out on 100 + days of urban missions while skiing park everyday, and owning a small business (FRESH, SLC). Up all night, coffee & hand rails until sunrise, work Brighton Park crew all day, then repeat. Now that Ian has added academics into his mission of being on the grind, he truly exemplifies what it means to be on the grind. For Ian, being on the grind means doing what he loves, maintaining balance between his modeling-skiing-working-academic endeavors, aggressively marketing his experiences, and obtaining fantastic imagery of his exploits.
Take notes, define what you want to obtain, and be sure to stay on the grind!
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