Replying to FUckin criminal mischief
fucked up shit tonight, i had to stay and work late at the heelside factory tonight which sucked to begin with, now get this, in the upstairs of the factory is where all of the parole and probation officers offices are for hood river which is where the soda and candy machines are located. i attempt to purchase some reeses peices but the machine steals half my money so i angrily deposit another .25 but this time the candy gets stuck on the hook, i proceed to get my candy by shaking the candy machine until it drops, while i am doing this i look over to see a parole officer taking my picture so i look over and aknowledge his existence and him taking my picture by saying a few words to him, he then proceeds to call the cops, which is fucked, but anyway the fuckin pigs get there and cite me forr theft and criminal fuckin mischief and get two 165 dollar fines. fucking bullshit. i didn't hurt a thing alli wanted was my fuckin candy that i paid twice for. I am fuckin fucked, assholes piss me off.
There are two positives to life: you live and you die.
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