First id like to say that shawnee's terrain park is quite honestly a fucking joke for being in the year 2005, but that is not why im typing this, im saying this for anyone who witnessed the fucking bullshit that went on during sundays contest, FUCK, honestly if you wrent a local, you had no chance when sorry to say it but the locals sucked balls compared to 90% percent of the competion. SHIT, we threw down today and got so dicked over, between all the skiers it was pretty much obvious that there were certain skiers expected to podium, FUCK the kid that won, his run was honestly horrible, not trying to bash skiers for there style or how good they r but it was the worst case of localism ive ever seen in my life, and then they wouldnt even acknowledge a winner in the 14-17 yr old class, and acted like they did and wouldnt even tell them who won, BULLSHIT!!! The boarder class was honestly the same, if you go to ull prolly read something simular to what im writing, it was blatenly obvious and the crowd was definetly hostile after the results were read. FUCK then they declared how great there park and 'PIPE' were, HAHA, Aint nuffing super about it i swear, 4 foot uncut walls?? is that a fucking super pipe, Oh and super park?? Trying to steal a term from PoWDER mag? There hits are super, 80 footers and shit, two lousey hits barely 20 feet and no landings or lips, SHIT now thats really super! FUCK SHAWNEE!! FUCK THE PEOPLE THAT RAN IT, AND IF YOUFEEL IT WAS A FAIR CONTEST, FUCK YOU!